Monday, May 16, 2011

Kitchen Makeover

I've been busy working on my kitchen (hopefully it will be ready to show-off soon).  I re-did our kitchen in our last house too.  Since it was before my blogging days, I thought I'd show you. Due to a stinky housing market we actually still own this house (we are blessed w/ great renters-so it's all good), but I figured I might as well get a post out of it.

This is what the kitchen looked like when I was house-hunting.  I know you're all wondering WHY I bought this house .  I think it's b/c I have issues. Some people bring home stray animals, and I buy ugly houses. I love a project and this kitchen looked like it was in need of some love.  Mint green paint, older than dirt appliances, wall paper borders, and world's ugliest cabinets (they are coated in plastic)-how could I not buy it?

The plan was to rip everything out and get a brand new kitchen.  However, despite passing inspection, we had to replace our roof a few months after we moved in.  With my budget demolished, I figured I would try and paint them, b/c they couldn't look worse. I took all the doors off the hinges and roughed them up w/ my sander. I used a gray tinted primer (Gripper).  I rolled on a few coats.  Then I used a Colonial Red paint.  I thought it was oil based, b/c it came in a little can, but it was acrylic.  I did a million coats on each side-it wasn't as much fun as it sounds. I coated them all w/ a few coats of polyurethane. I was worried that all the paint would peel right off, but they looked great 3 years later. (Hopefully they still do)
 Then I found all the hardware on clearance at IKEA! I think it was around $30 for all of it.  I also replaced the super ugly plastic light features with one's I got at IKEA and bought all new appliances and new counter tops.


It was my favorite room in the entire house.

I forgot to mention that I had actually painted the walls a lovely buttercream yellow immediately when we moved in, bc/ the green was too awful.  I though it would go great with the dark cherry cabinets that I planed on getting. Stupid Roof.  Anyway, after going with plan B and painting the cabinets red, my kitchen looked a little too much like McDonalds so I re-painted all the walls with some leftover white paint I found in the garage.  It was flat and didn't hold up to all our family's kitchen grime, so I repainted it a glossy white. Anyone else ever paint the same wall 4 times?

Now I've got to quit blogging and go finish my current kitchen.


  1. Very impressive! LOVE all the red, it really pops!

  2. om heck I LOVE the red!!! SOOO awesome

  3. I love the red, such a transformation!! I would love fo ryou to share at my party!

  4. That is an amazing transformation! I bet you were sad to leave all that hard work. Or wait, you were probably excited for a new project! I wish you could come give my house a much needed facelift! Can't wait to see your new kitchen!

  5. that's what you call 'making the best of a bad kitchen'...oh was she ugly...i love the cherry red cabinets...can't wait to see the newest redo!

  6. The kitchen looks fanstastic! Love the bold red:)

  7. What a have such vision!

  8. Haha, this post sounds all too familiar. We have a rental property too that we've had a great tenant at for 2 + years, and hope to keep her there...but before leaving, we redid everything! I love the paint job on the cabinets though...that red really pops! Perfect for a rental too!

  9. #1. I love IKEA
    #2. The cabinets look really good---I'm trying to talk my husband into painting our for a summer project but he swears they won't hold up (but I think he's just nervous about the crazy color I've chosen.) Anyways you kitchen is really cute.

  10. Love how it is looking. The red cabinets look really nice against the white paint. I can definitly see where yellow with red would be a little too much. Visiting from Sugar Bee's Take a Look Tuesday.
    {Accuquilt Giveaway} 

  11. Ok Im lovin the red as well!
    BTW Id love it if you would stop by to visit and follow if you so desire. I a your newest follower!

  12. very cool!! i have an extremely ugly's hoping one day i can turn it into something i love, too!

  13. Wow! That looks so much better! It's amazing what a little (okay, a lot) of paint can do...thanks for sharing!

  14. Wow, that's so much better! Enjoy it. :)


  15. Stopping by from Tatertots & Jello - Wow, big improvement! I had the exact same cabinets in an apartment I was in for a while!

  16. Wow, it looks amazing!!! I am visiting from Tatertots and Jello and I would LOVE if you could link up your awesome post to my very first crafty linky party! This is the first week of Delicately Constructed Fridays and I would really appreciate the link!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  17. i painted my kitchen wall a couple times!! but next weekend i am painting the cabinets and we will see how it looks. i might have to paint that wall again :)

  18. Great redo!!

    I featured your kitchen on my TT&J facebook page :)


  19. I never knew you could paint those awful wood-trimmed laminate cabinets! Sometimes when there is nothing to lost we take the biggest risks and they pay off. Way to go!

  20. I have those same cabinets in my craft room. I've been wanting to do something to them but have been too afraid that the paint wouldn't stick. You just gave me the push I need to go through with it. You're kitchen looks great!

  21. I can't believe you turned our cabinets from you-know-where into something so beautiful! I am so impressed!

  22. What an amazing makeover! I love your bold cabinets! Great job :)

  23. Wow! I love it!! I am always telling my hubs I would rather have a house with decent cabinets I can paint rather than drop 20gs on new ones, I will definitely be showing him this post. Looks fabulous!

  24. WOW! Love the red!
    dropping by from CSI project

  25. I also LOVE the red! Such a great look for this kitchen!

    CSI Project Guest Judge

  26. What a great change! I had those AWFUL european style cabinet in my old house, and there is seriously NOTHING you can do to make them better. I had to tear them out too. I love your IKEA choice. It is GORGEOUS!

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