Subway art is so prevalent on all the craft blogs these days it's almost a cliche. However, I love it and my Mom doesn't read craft blogs. She mentioned a while ago that she needed something to hang by the front door and I thought this would be perfect. She loved it and it was hanging by the front door before she blew out her candles.

There are lots of tutorials out there, but this is how I made mine:
Step 1-Paint large canvas black
Step 2 -Cut out a bunch of sayings with freezer paper
Step 3-realize that freezer paper will not adhere to painted surfaces and re-cut out everything w/ contact paper.
Step 4-Paint in the stencils
Step 5-remove contact paper
Step 6-Mix one part glaze w/ 4 parts paint and apply to canvas. Rub off excess.
I love it! Somehow I have missed out on this trend. I just did a search, and you're right, tutorials everywhere! Now my mind is filled with possibilities, Thanks!