
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

40 by 40 # 2-Wear Lipstick for 30 days

 I have completed #2 on my 40 by 40 list (read the entire list here). "Wear lipstick everyday I leave the house for 30 days".  

I used to wear lipstick. I was even one of those girls that carried it around and would reapply as needed throughout  the day.  However, sometime in the past 13 years, I all but stopped wearing it.  Maybe I stopped when I starting having babies. (I couldn't help myself from kissing there little heads all the time and didn't want to cover them in lipstick).  Or maybe I stopped when I quit work and just ran around w/ little kids all day. (Honestly, there were many days when my kids were small that I was happy if I managed to take a shower) I also never quite found the right shade and was tired of spending money on the wrong ones.

One of my goals is to be 40 and fabulous, not 40 and frumpy and so I set the goal to wear lipstick every time I left the house for 30 days.  Mary Kay hooked me up and sent me 17 tubes of lipsticks! How fun is that?

I have to admit that I forgot a few times, but I was about 95% faithful. Here's what I learned during this challenge:

1.  Raisenberry looks fabulous on me ( I also really like nutmeg)
2.  I have big teeth and thin lips and so a little lipstick makes a big difference.
3. Since I used to only wear it on special occasions, it made me feel a little special every day.
4.  Wearing lipstick made me a little more glamorous and sexy. 
5.  Wearing lipstick requires very little effort.
6.  You can give yourself a virtual makeover  here.  It's pretty fun. You can try out all the make-up and they even had about 15 pages of hairstyles to try out (I even tried out being a blonde-but it wasn't for me).  What do you think of this hair style on me?

So what about you-are you afraid to leave the house w/out your full "face" on or could you use a little boost in the glamour department?

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  1. Um, where are the pictures of your glamorous lipsticked lips??

    1. The plan was to take my picture everyday for 30 days. The problem w/ that is there would be about 30 days of self-portraits.

    2. Well the picture you posted is great! Good job on the 30 days!

  2. I found when my kids were small that I simply felt better about myself if I put lipstick on--even when I am was not going anywhere. Probably because that meant that I had showered and brushed my teeth! I never leave home without my lipstick and mascara...even when I am just going to the gym!

    1. It's really true. I little effort does make you feel better about yourself, although I still work out make-up free-unless I didn't wash my face the night before:)

  3. I love your quote, "One of my goals is to be 40 and fabulous, not 40 and frumpy." It's amazing how good a little lipstick can make you feel. Occasionally I'll even dot the lipstick on my cheeks, too, for some extra color. And 17 tubes of lipstick? Wow! Lucky Lady!! :) I bet that was so fun to try them all!!

  4. RAISENBERRY looks great on YOU! it is Also my color,, sad to say I have been wearing that color for 11 yrs! I am also a Mary Kay Consultant so I use all their products religiously.. and have been doing that since I was 16! when I got my first job,I bought a whole skin care package and was HOOKED! I had joined the Mary Kay before 5 club and it has helped alot! so nice finding your blog!Have a great day

  5. I think this is a wonderful idea! It has been said that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit . . . !

  6. What a great idea! Love that it made every day feel like a special day!

  7. Great idea! I have three kids under 5, and I've been trying to make an effort to look pulled together (even if all my clothes are machine washable), maybe wear an inexpensive bracelet (not the dangerous dangly earring!), and I swipe on some long-wearing lipstick so I don't have to remember to put it on:)

    Heading over to check out your full 40 by 40 list:)


  8. Interesting idea and I like it! I was just thinking about how I used to put on lip gloss during my drive to work everyday and I think I stopped when I got pregnant and didn't care anymore. I should really start doing it again...

  9. Haha, it would take me forEVER to accumulate 30 days of lipstick. I'm terrible about it. Even when I put make up on, often I'll go with gloss instead. I love that virtual haircut on you btw!:)

  10. I wear lipstick everyday and love the pick me up it gives me. Especially when I was washed out and sick during chemo, a perfect lip color brightened my face and perked me up. I didn't want to look like I'd given up! Now that I'm recovering I still wear it. And I notice in family photos that it really does make me look prettier!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Your lipstick challenge sounds like fun. I can't leave the house without mascara - but you are inspiring me to make an effort with lipstick. Thanks.

  13. I have the hardest time with lipstick! Finding the right color, shade, etc. I normally just go with chapstick, but now I'm inspired to find the right one for me! Found your blog at Southern Lovely's Show and Share link party. I'd love it if you checked out my blog

  14. Within the last month I took the plunge into making sure I walked out of the house with makeup on. I defintiely am not as good about it on the weekends when I'm home with Riley. Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays.

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