
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Linky #23-Will Linky for---A dreamy pillowcase

There was a tie for most viewed link from last week's party:
Alderberry Hill shared a collection a really helpful tips.  My favorite was using a tension rod to hold all your spray cleaners-Genius!

Uncommon Design shared her favorite projects of 2012 (my favorite was this "boo").

I am really grateful that you people show up every week and thought you deserved presents. I've actually lined up some really fun give-a-ways over the next few weeks, but I wanted to give away something first. One lucky linker will get a set of these "Dreamy Pillowcases". 

You get one entry for every project you link.  If you're just stopping by without something to link up, you can also get an entry for leaving a comment telling me that you:
-follow me on Pinterest
-follow me on FB
-follow me GFC
-participate in the "Best I Ever Blogged" series
-Tell me with whom you'd share the "Dreamy Pillow" set

I'll use to pick a winner that I will announce at next week's party.

Party on!
(as always you only need to enter your e-mail if you'd like to be included in my weekly reminder e-mail)


  1. Thanks for hosting the party. Love the giveaway!!! I am following you on Pinterest!

  2. Oooh, those pillows would be perfect in our guest bedroom! Pick me! Pick me!! ;-) -Marci

  3. I love those pillows! What a great idea. If I were picked, I would give them to my sister and her husband who are newly weds who both travel for work.

  4. Hey!
    Thank you on your lovely comments. It is really nice to read that someone likes your stuff. Those kind comments are one of the reasons why I don't give up from my hobby. You're sweet :)

  5. I would share these pillowcases with my daughter who just got married.
    Or...maybe I will keep them for my husband and me! :)

  6. I'm now following you on facebook!

  7. I'm following you on Pinterest too! :-)

  8. I would use the pillowcases on my bed (and hide them from the kids).

  9. i'm following you on Pinterest!

    Oh by the way, thank you for all your lovely comments on my projects. I do reply but my emails are always getting kicked back....don't know where the problem is, but thought I'd let you know!

  10. follow you on Pinterest kyfaithw at aol dot com

  11. follow you on fb
    kyfaithw at aol dot com

  12. follow you on gfc
    kyfaithw at aol dot com

  13. Of course, I follow you on GFC already, and linked up PlaceMats this week (#6 position this week)

    Smiles, Suzanne in NW IL
    (oh and who would I share the pillow cases with? My hubby "Speavers" of course!)
