
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Will craft for..homemade presents: Linky #18

Tales of a Trophy Wife

Congrats goes to Thrifty Crafty Girl.  Her ornament tree was last week's most viewed link!

Other fun ideas from last week include:
Every Day Gameplan's super fun idea on how to deliver a present.

My 1929 Charmer  taught us that if you wash burlap it gets soft, no longer stinks, and makes a great throw.
burlap throw

So I've been crafting up some super cute stuff, but I can't post it until after Christmas. As I said on FB, I really want to include w tage w/ each gift that says "This took me _ hours". What have you been up to?

If you'd like a weekly e-mail reminder, please leave your e-mail address.


  1. Hey, you made my day! I spent a horrible day at the dentist - torture! But when I came to join your party it took all my pain away. Thanks for being a great host, and thanks so much for the feature.

  2. The first time didn't work right.... So

    Hey, you made my day! I spent a horrible day at the dentist - torture! But when I came to join your party it took all my pain away. Thanks for being a great host, and thanks so much for the feature.
    December 13, 2011 6:37 PM

  3. Thank you for hosting the linky party! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on Mama's Pumpkin Pie. I really appreciate it! If it makes you feel any better, my mother and aunt are both AMAZING cooks. I am trying to come along, but my little sister just inherited it naturally. So I totally understand. Haha.

  4. Love it when you host seems there are lots of new bloggers to meet!
