
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Linky #12-Will Craft for Fun

Another great week full of wonderful ideas. Last weeks' most viewed link was this fabric flower by Tousled Day.  I think that's her 3rd time!

She also posted the coolest no-sew cardigan I've ever seen. She just cut out arm holes in a piece of fabric and made this.  Genius!


I'm adding this sign to my laundry room from Artsy Vav Va.

I loved this baby shower including this diaper cake from Kissed by a Frog.

Tales of a Trophy Wife

So now it's your turn.  You know what to do.



  1. OMGoodness, I need that laundry sign too but I will change it too FOLD CLOTHES! Why is that such a horrible task?? Thank you so much for featuring my baby shower. It really was an amzing combined effort and I was so pleased with how the bee hive came out.
    Thanks for hosting!

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my laundry room sign!!! And, thanks for hosting the party!

  3. OMG! Your blog is so kind to me! Yes, this is third time, and I can't belive!!! Well, "tales of a trophy wife" is becoming very special to me! Thank you for featuring me! Twice!!!!! Biiiig Kiss!
