
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Do You Pay for Grades????

I was never paid for good grades, but lately I've considered starting paying my kids for good grades and so I've been doing a little research on the subject, but I can only find opinions and no any solid statistics.

It seems like people against it feel it may add fuel to the entitlement mentality that plagues our society.  People for it feel it teaches kids that hard works equals rewards.

My husband and I are considering it as a way to teach our kids financial responsibility and hopefully motivate our less motivated kids to try a little harder in school. Our allowance system has been as amazing tool to keep the house clean, so I'm hoping this might boost the kids GPA..

So what has been your experience?


  1. We paid our children for good grades. We paid for A's only. It helped them to be focused and made them want to study because they hated it when they got less than an A and missed out on some cash. Now that they are in college they have continued to do well even though they no longer get paid. They have both stayed on the Dean's List and our son just graduated Cum Laude with a degree in Architecture. Some people will probably disagree with it, but it worked well for us.

    1. My kids can all achieve b's with minimum effort, so I am not paying for them either. I think I may even charge them for anything lower than a c.

  2. I am in support of helping them earn money to teach them financial responsibility. My husband and I subscribe to many of the ideals Dave Ramsey teaches, especially in his new book Smart Money, Smart Kids (he and his daughter wrote it) and I guarantee you'll gain a lot of insight from that. Fantastic ideas for teaching kids! Anyway, the only concern to consider would be the reasons for which your kids are currently getting the grades they have. If they are getting C's because they are not trying very hard, then certainly money may help motivate. But if they are getting C's even though they are doing their absolute best then I don't think money will help. I know of students from personal experience and people I've heard of who just didn't ever reach 'A' status for one reason or another but have gone on to have very successful careers. There is still learning happening and as long as a child is doing their best, I suppose I am of the opinion that that is what matters most. I don't personally care that they achieve a certain rank or status because quite frankly the grading system can be a little......well, let's just say it's not perfect everywhere :)

    1. We are totally on the Dave Ramsay bandwagon around here as well. Poor grades around here is pure lack of effort.

  3. We do pay for grades, we have told our kids that right now school is their job and so they decide what their paycheck is.
    I do agree however that each kid is different and also like Heather said above, that some teachers grading systems aren't great either.
    I also agree that Dave Ramsey has some excellent ideas.

    1. We are trying to come up with some sort of a sliding scale. Elementary A's are not going to be worth as much a AP A's etc. I am thinking I am not going to pay anything for B's, because my kids can earn them w/ minimal effort. I also think I may have them pay me for anything lower than a B.

  4. We do pay for grades, we have told our kids that right now school is their job and so they decide what their paycheck is.
    I do agree however that each kid is different and also like Heather said above, that some teachers grading systems aren't great either.
    I also agree that Dave Ramsey has some excellent ideas.

  5. We "pay for A's" in our house (in real classes, not gym or art or stuff like that). I don't know if it is right or wrong but it works for us so far.

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