
Friday, April 20, 2012

Wiener Dog Skirt-Sewing 101 ( all about applique)

 We're going to talk about applique today.  It's the art of attaching one piece of fabric to another for decorative purposes.  You can use this technique to make a cute blue skirt down right adorable by adding a wiener dog.

I use fusible webbing or "Wonder Under".  It's basically a big sheet of paper with an adhesive that you activate with an iron.  

HINT:  I always use spray starch on all my pieces.  It gives a more professional result.
Step 1:  Iron the wonder under (paper side toward the iron) to the WRONG side of the fabric. Do not use steam!
Step 2:  Trace your shape onto the paper and cut it out.
Step 3:  When the paper is completely cooled, carefully tear off the paper backing.  
Step 4: Place the applique shape on top of bottom fabric and iron (no steam).  If it is just for a wall hanging or something that you won't wash, you can stop here.  However, if you making clothes, you will need to stitch it into place.
If you are using a fabric that doesn't fray a lot -like a knit or felt, you can just use a normal stitch, like I did with this carrot pillow.  
 If I am sewing clothing, I like to use a tight zig-zag stitch.  Line up the edge of your applique with the needle.
 Every machine is different, but lower your thread tension to about a 3.
 Change your stitch width.  If you have a large applique, you may want to go wider, but for this project I set it at a "2".
Also adjust your stitch length.  The smaller the stitch length the tighter together it will look.  Practice on some scraps-I went with a 1.0 (can you see my typo?).

You can also use stabilizer. It's that paper fabric on the inside of all your embroidered sweatshirts. Do you see how my trial piece looks a little wavy?  This could have been avoided by placing a piece of stabilizer behind the bottom fabric.  It would have also helped if I wasn't rushing our the door to piano:)

I used one of my patterns from Ruby Jean's Closet to make these cute little skirts for my nieces.  Wiener dogs crack me up and I love how it's long body wraps all the way around the body.

This is my first time to sew w/ a PDF pattern and I couldn't be more impressed.  There are ridiculously detailed pictures and instructions with each and every step.  If you want to learn to sew, but have been nervous, try-out one of her patterns.  

Please check out my entire series.

To see where I link up or to add your party, please click here.
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mop it up mondays feature


  1. That was my favorite pattern you showed! Your skirts turned out super cute. I bought my first PDF pattern this year two and was super impressed.

    1. Thanks! I made it for my nieces who are obsessed with their mini-dachshund.

  2. A great for this good article what I was looking forward for a long time. I already noted this info in my hand note. Thanks for this allocation. :)
    boston limo

  3. Oh how cute! I love the little skirts, you do fabulous work! I have granddaughters that would love these! Thanks so much for posting! Julie (the letter 4's mom)

    1. Thanks so much! I hope one day to have a bunch of granddaughters and I will sew them all matching clothes:)

  4. Adorable....Love this! We just posted our Kitchen Fun and Crafty Friday link party and would love for you to share this!

  5. So cute! We are slightly obsessed with our 10 week old mini dachshund & I bet me girls would love this.

  6. This is a fantastic project! The skirt is so adorable. I would love it if you would consider sharing it at my Pinworthy Projects Link Party over at Just Us Four!

  7. Hehehe! What a fun and adorable skirt!!!

  8. Aha! That's my problem. I never use the webbing. I just applique one fabric straight to the other. Do you use the webbing and the stabilizer?

    1. I ALWAYS use webbing and spray starch. I rarely use stabilizer, unless I am appliqueing on a t-shirt or sweatshirt or really thin cotton.

  9. Just darling love the weiner!

  10. Replies
    1. I featured this at this week's Mop It Up Mondays: Hope you can pop on over!


  11. Love the weiner skirt, and could so see myself wearing this when I was younger, just a few years ago! Darling, Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best Par.tay!

  12. What an adorable idea! I love the way the dog wraps all the way around the back. Thank you so much for linking up on Fabulous Friday at Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust.

    Warmly, Michelle

  13. Thank you for linking up this fabulous project!!!
    This week’s Linky Party is up!!!!
    I hope you will stop by an link up another lovely project..
    Claire x

  14. The weiner dog skirt is too cute!! I made my way over here via Pam's blog Threading My Way and I'm glad I did.:)


  15. What a pretty skirt,who wouldn't like it!

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