
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Linky #32:Will Craft for...Free stuff from Cutsie Bee

The sponsor of this week's give-a-way is:
Cutise bee has clothes, blankets, burp cloths, pacifer clips, tote bags and more. Here are some of my favorite items from her shop:
Bright Flowers Blanket SHOP SALE
Butterfly Apron Set-XS Stripes & Dots Reversible Carseat Cover SHOP SALE
Cutsie Bee is having an aniversay sale and also has a special shop coupon code for my blog's readers.  Just enter TROPHY for an additional 10% off.

Cutsie Bee is generously giving away:  a soft and fluffy burp cloth and a beaded pacifier clip to give away! (value $20)

You can enter in any/all of the following ways:
1. Link up a project (1 per project)
2.  Like Cutsie Bee of FB
3. Leave a comment telling your favorite item from her shop

SO link up your awesomeness (you only need to leave your e-mail if you'd liked to be added to my weekly reminder list).
 Good Luck!


  1. Wow, her stuff is SUPER cute! I like her on facebook (Stevie MooreBabies)

  2. Love it! My fave is the Pink Kaleidoscope Flower Blanket.

  3. Thank you for hosting! I have linked up with my jewelry organizer.

  4. Thank you for hosting and I love the email reminder!

  5. Thank you for hosting! I would choose the Butterfly apron set.

  6. I like the car seat covers!
