
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Favorite Christmas Reads

Christmas is the perfect time, to grab a kid and snuggle down to read a book.  Here are some of my favorites:

 For Little Ones:

Who is Coming to Our House by Joseph Slate
Sweet story of the animals in the stable getting ready for baby Jesus. It's the only board book that gets me all choked up.

Get Dressed Santa by Tomie De Paola
Silly story that made my kids howl with laughter every time we read it. Santa get's all dressed and then realizes he needs to "go" before he goes.
Great Illustrations:

Snowmen at Night by Caralyn and Mark Buehner:  I love everything this husband and wife duo write.  Beautiful pictures and a really fun story.  

Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg
Christmas book perfection

The Snow Tree by Carloine Repchuk
The story about animals decorating a Christmas tree is okay, but the illustrations are amazing and are what makes this book one of my favorites.

For the Patriot in your family:

Silent Night, Holy night by Walter Cronkite
I can't read this w/out bawling like a baby. It's the true story of  soldiers in WWI laying down their weapons to celebrate Christmas across enemy lines.

For your over-achiever-Martha-type:

Mooseltoe by Margie Palatini
It's the story of a moose that is trying so hard to get everything "perfectly perfect" that he forgot to buy a tree.  I can relate a little more than I'd like to admit.

Just Plain Silly:

Santclaustrophobia by Mike Reiss
I laugh out loud every time I read the story of Santa needing a vacation and all of the other holiday mascots chipping in to save Christmas.  It is clever and witty and full of puns with great rhymes.  It's a perfect read aloud book. I've read it at every class Christmas party since 2004.  

Tear Jerkers:

The Littlest Angel by Charles Tazwell
My Dad read this story every Christmas Eve for as long as I can remember, and a few years ago someone finally made a book about it.

The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomy by Susan Wojciechowski
The illustrations are gorgeous and it tells a beautiful story of how even the hardest hearts can be softened at Christmas.

What are your favorite Christmas Books?
Linking up here.


  1. 'Polar Express' is an all time favourite!!!

  2. We had a little blue copy of The Littlest Angel that game with a little doll of a red haired boy. My grandma brought it to us when I was about 10 and cried when she read it aloud to us. I can't get through it dry-eyed either.

  3. It's nice to keep them all in a fun basket like that. I'll have to remember that as we collect holiday books over the years!

  4. My favorite is A Cup Of Christmas Tea by Topm is a MUST read, but will bring a tear to your eye!

  5. Thanks for a great idea! I'll be posting about our faves later. I found you on Weekend Wander.

  6. Great story share in the post. nice idea i like it
