
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Linky # 17 Will linky for...Christmas Cheer

Thank you so much for stopping by last week and linking up-especially since I'm sure you were all busy making turkey and out black friday shopping.  There was a two-way tie for the most viewed link:
Pink Wreath by Queen B

And these hand-painted glasses by Charmed.

Here's some other fabulous stuff  I pinned from last week's party:
1. Uncommon Design Yarn Trees
2. Rae Gun Dinner Rolls
3. Crazy Wonderful  Bubble Magnets (teacher gift idea!)

Time to linky up-You know what to do (as always you only need to include your e-mail if you wish to have weekly e-mail reminder).


  1. Thanks for hosting. It's fun to be a part of your linky party.

  2. Tara, thank you so much for including my magnets in your list!!!

  3. Thank you so much for featuring our Yarn Trees among such a fab collection! :)
