
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Will Craft for...Fun!

So many amazing ideas last week.  Thanks so much for taking the time to link up your fabulous projects.
The most viewed project were these homemade firepots by Sweetwater Style.

This Winnie the Pooh vignette by Blue Babes Creates has got to be the most charming thing I've ever seen. Did you know that Winne the Pooh was Canadian?

Did you know you could make watermelon jelly?  Simsamsue in a house of Blue will teach you how.

So what have you been working on?


  1. Thanks for the feature...and for hosting. Have a great week!

  2. Thanks so much for the feature. It made my day. I am thrilled!

  3. Thanks for inviting me to link up! I became a follower :)

  4. thanks so much for the invite - lovely to be introduced to another lovely blog and link party.
    look forward to having a look around.
    thanks for hosting!
    hope the week has been kind to you.
    cheryl xox.

  5. Thanks for the invite! I'm going to add your party to my weekly blog parties too! Can't wait to see what you linked up at my weekly Wednesday blog party!

    Kaitlin-The Not So Simple Housewife

  6. Thank you for hosting! I linked up several. :)

  7. Hey, thanks for hosting! I replied to a comment you left on my blog but it got sent back to me like 2 days later. Anyway, so glad you thought my Jello man was cool in a morbid sort of way!

  8. Thanks so much for featuring me! And for coming over! I'm so tickled!
