
Monday, April 11, 2011

My First Award!

versatile bloggerI was thrilled to learn that I have just received the Versatile Blogger Award from June @ Have Stamps Will Craft

There are some rules that come w/ this award:
**Thank the Person that gave you the award and link back.
Thank you June, you've made my day.
**  Tell 7 things about yourself
1.  I used to teach “at risk youth” (pc  term for juvenile delinquents)
2.  I’ve moved around A LOT.  In order: Utah, Georgia, Germany, Alabama, Korea, Texas,  Germany, Utah, Israel, Utah, Germany, Utah, Texas, Maryland, Texas
3.  I believe anyone that says they love to exercise is lying.
4.  I would choose baked goods over ice cream any day (but ice cream over excercise)
5.  I have 2 adopted sisters.  One of which was literally left on a doorstep and I secretly hope that someday, someone leaves a baby girl on my doorstep.
6.  If I ever ran for office, my first act would be to outlaw kid’s school projects
7.  I’m obsessed with this blog and check the “stats” and “comments” buttons way more often then I’ll ever admit to

 **Award 15 new bloggers the award.  I came up with 10 (and I'm not sure how new some of them are). I don’t really read many blogs daily.  Mostly, I troll through Linky parties looking for new ideas and then I add them to my to-do list.  My laundry room is a big mess, and she’s got such cute ideas that I hope will help.  Maybe I won’t hate to do laundry so much if the room is cute. Home Decor on a budget.  I’m in love with her bird chandelier and want to make one for my craft room.  She has lots of great posts, but the paper flower tutorials are my favorite.  I’m so making her lace skirt.   I don’t even make cards, but these cards are so fun to look at.  Occasionally, I steal ideas to use for my crafty projects.  Love this site.  My daughter and I have stolen several ideas to spruce up our wardrobes.   and - 2 of my good friends have book blogs and I always check to read their reviews and get ideas for books to read.  I want another girl, just to make her all these hair-bows.  A blog dedicated to all things boys.

Finally, contact each of the blogs and tell them they won.  This was fun, thanks again June.


  1. Wow, Tara, I have to say I'm surprised you gave me an award!!! Thanks for spreading the love around . . . . :) and congrats!

  2. And don't forget once your Feature Friday is up to snag the I was Featured button for your collection over here!! "See" you soon!

  3. Thank you so much for the award, Tara! I'm super honored. :)

  4. Congrats on your award, and thanks for picking me! What a super nice surprise! :)
