
Monday, April 18, 2011

Monkey Bread

We had some good friends visit over the weekend and so thought it would be fun to do something special for breakfast.  Here's a easy recipe-kids can help too.

You will need:

1/2 cups sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

4 (10 oz) refrigerated biscuits

1 cup firmly packed brown sugar

½ cup melted butter

½ cups nuts (optional)

If you are using nuts (I never do), sprinkle them evenly in a well-greased Bundt pan.  Pop open biscuits.  Take each individual biscuit and divide it in four.  Mix cinnamon and sugar.  Roll each biscuit quarter in sugar and place in pan.  Repeat until all the dough is in the pan.  Combine melted butter with brown sugar and pour over biscuits. Bake @ 350 for 30 minutes.  Cool for 8 minutes in pan and then invert on serving platter.  Serve warm.

 Some of my international readers have been confused by "biscuits" in a can.  If you do not have access to canned dough, you can substitute bread dough.

Linking up here.
Still hungry-click here.


  1. Oh! That looks delicious!! I'll have to try it! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love monkey bread! Thanks for the great recipe.

  3. We luv Monkey Bread! I haven't made it in a long time; thanks for the reminder!!!!

  4. Ive heard of monkey bread before but never knew how it was made... looks so good!

  5. Hi! I wanted to let you know that these have been Featured on Running With Glitters Friday Spotlight!!!
    Thank's for linking up this week!
