
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Folded flower wreath

So I had so much fun making paper flowers yesterday, that I made some more and thought they would be a way fun way to decorate a non-tacky St. Patty's Wreath. I started w a roll of ribbon and an 18 inch straw wreath from Hobby Lobby. While I'm on the subject of wreaths: Does anyone know why Styrofoam is so expensive?
(Sorry this next 2 pics are even bad for me)
This roll of ribbon only covered 1/4 of the wreath :(
Not wanting to spen $12 on ribbon, I remembered that I had some black polka-dot fabric. I cut 6 2 inch strips. I just wrapped the strips around the wreath and secured with pins at the end of each strip.
Then I cut out a bunch of circles and flowers with my George and Basic Shapes Cricut cartridge. I made my folded flower (tutorial here) and used silver upholstery tacks ( they are only abou 99 cents for an entire package and way easier and cheaper to use than brads) to secure them to the wreath. flowers, I used stick pins to secure the little flowers to the wreath. Next time I might coat the flowers in Modge Podge, but I didn't think of it until they were on my wreath.

I had some left over satin fabric left over from Halloween costumes and I think it added the finishing touch.
So much better then my Bella Swan reject V-Day wreath. I love it and I think it took longer to write this post than to make it.
I'm dying to put a vinyl "Welcome" on my door, but hubby  is not a fan.

Linking up here.
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  1. CUTE!!!!

    (isn't EVERYTHING expensive these days? but I'm thinking styrofoam is a petroleum product??? and just look at gas prices!!!)

  2. I like this! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Mission accomplished! No tackiness here! Just prettiness!

  4. Fabulous wreath! Love the colors and dots.

  5. Sooooo cute!!

    I love this wreath! I would love if you would share with my readers on Blog Stalking Thursday!

  6. So, so adorable! St. Pat's is a big day in our house (being Irish) and this is perfect! Thanks so much for sharing at our Pin'inspiration party. You are going to be a feature next week.

  7. This is a great festive project! So glad that you shared it at Things I've Done Thursday!!

    P.S. I launched a great CD giveaway today if you're interested!! :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Awesome fabric choice! I love the polka dots!! Thanks for sharing at A Couple of Craft Addicts!

  10. How cute! I love everything about this wreath from the black and white polka dots to the fun paper flowers. Thanks for sharing! :)
