
Friday, September 30, 2011

Spooky Bat Chandelier

I saw this great idea at Crap I've Made, and thought it would be a fun, cheap, and easy Halloween decoration.  I used my Cricut Paper Doll Dress up cartridge to cut the bats out of black vinyl.  (I was also thinking it wouldn't be too hard to find a bunch of bat stickers this time of year.)  I did it while the kids were at school and can't wait to see if they notice tonight when they turn out the lights.
Linking up here

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Halloween Feast:9 Tricky-Treats

So I'm sure we're all sick of Star Wars posts.  All those posts got me thinking about other fun parties we've had in the past.   We've had variations of Halloween Parties a few times and since it's always all about the food with me, here are some of my favorites:
 Alien Eyeballs
A little food coloring and a sliced olive makes these deviled eggs a little more devilish.

 Swamp Scum
My Friend Monica, taught me that if you blend up Jell-O before it sets it looks like this.  I added some gummy worms for effect.
 Monster Q-Tips
I thought of these while watching Shrek-how gross is that?
 Just attach mini marshmallows to lolly-pop sticks and dip in peanut butter. This turned into our most scary treat, when a mom w/ a peanut allergy mistakenly thought it was caramel and  ate one.
 Mummy's toes
(recipe here)-the grossest (and my favorite) item on this spooky menu.  They look so real.

Witches Fingers
I discovered these on a magazine cover at the grocery store.
Add a little food coloring to your favorite bread stick dough.  Before baking add some grated Parmesan cheese for hair and an almond sliver for the fingernail.

 Magic Potion
Just add some cooked tapioca pearls to Kool-Aid and Sprite. you can even add some dry ice to make it look spooky.

Spider Web Ice Cream Cake 
(this is super easy, but makes you look like Martha Stewart)

1.Bake 2- 9 inch cake layers
2. Line 9 inch pan w/ wax paper.  Fill with 1/2 gallon of soften ice cream.  Freeze until firm.
3. Stack ice cream layer between cake layers.  Spread a layer of hot fudge or caramel between each layer.
4.  Mix a large container of Cool-Whip with a few spoonfulls of cocoa.  Spread all over cake.  Freeze until firm.
5. Draw a Spider web shap on wrond side of wax paper.  Pipe melted white chocolate on right side of wax paper.  Let harden.  Add to cake.

Frozen Eyeballs (recipe here) I used chocolate chips instead of black jelly beans

I'm linking up to these parties here and here.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Will Craft for....Fun Linky #9

So many awesome projects last week!  I so appreciate everyone for playing. We had a 4 way tie last week for most viewed link.
Days of Chocolate made this gorgeous table runner out of napkins.
Kissed by a Frog linked up her great craft room.  My favorite part was this little reading nook that she made for her son.
Auntie Kara transformed a candle holder into a very cool light.
Now it's your turn.  Please link up all those fabulous things you've been working on.  Happy Linking!

Star Wars Loot

We had to send all our little Padawans home with some loot.  First they got some Han Rolos from the Death Star Pinata.

They all got to take home their pool noodle and duct tape light sabers.  (I love these by the way.  We probably have at least a half dozen of the toy ones, but my boys always end up hurting each other.  They can totally go at it with these and no tears.)
Gift Bags: Princess Lay's Potato chips, Bobba Gum, and dipped pretzel Light Sabers. 

Lots more Lego Ideas (and some of my original inspiration) found here (Lego ideas) and here (Star Wars ideas).
I'm linking up to these parties here and here.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Jedi Training-Star Wars Party Ideas

What do you with a house full of young Padawan house guests?  As they arrived, I had each of them make their own light sabers out of balloons and TP rolls

Charades: I printed out pics of Lego characters and put them in a Rancor's mouth.  Each kid would get to pick on and then act it out.  It was a little hard at first, so I let me talk and say a line that the character would say.

Not pictured Lego, Lego, Who's got the Lego. (Rules here)

Death Star Pinata-It's the law here in Texas that you can not have a party w/ out a Pinata.  I'd never made one before, but it was pretty easy (time-consuming, but not difficult).  I made a flour and water mixture (about the consistency of gravy) and then dipped strips of newspaper into the mixture and covered a large stability ball.  When it dried, I removed the plug, filled it with candy and paper mache'd  up the hole.  I spray painted in silver and Hubby drew on the details.

Lego Toss-we arranged these different ways and had the kids line up toss in Legos to score points.
Jedi Training-We gave each of the kid's a pool noodle light saber and my hubby led them in a simple lightsaber drills (up, across, down, spin etc.). After a few minutes of practice, my older son came in dressed like Darth and they each got to battle him.
Lots more Lego Ideas (and some of my original inspiration) found here (Lego ideas) and here (Star Wars ideas).

I'm linking up to these parties here and here.


Use the Fork Luke

Are you sick of Star Wars posts yet?  Hope not, because I've got 2 more. The big day was Saturday and I think it was a big success.  So many great ideas out there: Han Burgers and Hoth Dogs, Bobba Fettuccine, Darth Cheddar.... but this is what we ate:
I found these green plates at Target.  My hubby drew on a Yoda face, and I folded the napkin to make the ears.  I used black and silver duct tape to transform the silverware into lightsabers.

Tuscan Raider Taters-AKA Tater Tots (I guess we could have also called them "Darth Taters"

Dagobah Swamp-AKA apple sauce w/ green food coloring

Carbonite-AKA Jello w/ Han Solo guy inside

Wookie Cookies-AKA no bake cookies
Yoda Soda-Sprite and lime sherbet
Leg O' TaunTaun (get it Leg'O =Lego)-AKA oven bake drumsticks
Marshmallow Lego head pops

Lots more Lego Ideas (and some of my original inspiration) found here (Lego ideas) and here (Star Wars ideas).
I'm linking up to these parties here and here.

Friday, September 23, 2011

R2D2 Cake

I few weeks ago my friend Kiersten made an awesome Mario Cake for her son.  Since I am no "Ace of Cakes", I thought the min-cupcake mosiac would be a good option for me.  My baby is having a Star Wars Lego party and so I thought it would be easy to make an R2D2 cake.  I must be slow, because it took me all day long. I had to adjust several times, b/c it wouldn't fit on the board. The thing is huge. Now that I'm looking at it, I'm going to move a few of the blue one's around.

The big parties tomorrow and guess which new weapon we are adding to the Jedi arsenal?---the Thumb Gun.  Little guy was climbing over our fence (why?) and broke his arm.  He is actually in a real cast now, but he spent all weekend firing off his thumb gun.  I'm crossing off the obstacle course and water balloons from the party activities. The doctor told me not to let him run around for the next 3 weeks until he gets it off. Yeah right?

Here's dozens more Lego and Star Wars ideas.

I link up with these fabulous parties, here and here.

UPDATE:  I thought the arms were too skinny-hubby fixed it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fail, Fail, Fail...Touchdown

Fail #1
My MIL bought the boys for $10.  The "artwork" wasn't my style, but the frame was great and we thought a framed poster would look great in their football room. The glass didn't survive the ride home:(

 Fail #2
I thought It would be fun to make the boys a football-shaped memo board.  I thought it looked a little too homemade :( :(

Fail # 3 (I was too frustrated to take a picture)
I covered cardboard squares w/ batting and fabric, then I hot glued them into the frame.  Did you know that thumb tacks will not stick into cardboard covered with fabric and cotton?  Neither did I :(:(:(

Touchdown-(or at least a 3 pt. field goal)
1. I hot glued ribbon across the fabric squares to form little memo boards and secured the ribbons w/ upholstery tacks.
2. Since I couldn't find any Saints fabric, I freezer-paper-stenciled a Fleur de lis with gold paint.
3. I removed the fabric squares from the middle and added a layer of cork instead.
4.  I set it against the wall in the hallway until I get around to hanging it on the wall. I'm still a little mad at it.
5. I think I may go back and add a ribbon across the cork, so it looks more balance. Thoughts?

I think I should also score extra points for not swearing or throwing fails 1-3 against the wall.

3x3 Walden Plaid Style Tile Set
Even w/ the frustration it is still cheaper than this-$349 @ PBTEEN
                           Without meaning to, it looks like the on I made for my daughter.
I'd love for you to link up any of your great ideas (or even fails) at my linky party here.
I link up with these fabulous parties, here and here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Will Craft for...Comments: Linky #8

Last week was the best party yet. Thanks everyone for playing! According to linky tools it had 943 page views.  (Week 1 had a grand total of 13-so that's a big improvement).  For future reference: I thought it would be nice of me to pick a time to start the party each week and stick to it.  I picked 5:00 pm Tuesdays.

By the way, I finally created a Facebook page.
Most viewed link (and coolest table EVER) from last week:
Tres Chere

Want some more free advertising? Link away-no rules. (I promise to visit each and every one) 

Helping girls develop positive body images-YW Manual 3 Lesson 38

I've got to admit that I'm not thrilled every year at the advent of bathing suit season and I'd rather spend the afternoon doing my taxes than shopping for jeans.  As women, we struggle with our relationship with our bodies. I felt very impressed that my girls needed a lesson to help them develop positive body images and so I am going to focus on the idea that our bodies are one of our greatest gifts from God.
How does the world see our bodies? Something to despise for its imperfections, a mortal prison, something to flaunt and to use?

I want to contrast that to how the Lord sees our bodies?

-We were created in God’s image (Gen 1:26)

-If bodies were not important, then Jesus Christ would not have been resurrected as a being with a tangible body.
-Our bodies our temples (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

The following talks on the sanctity of our bodies are both excellent.
-Jeffrey R. Holland

 “You can’t live your life worrying that the world is staring at you. When you let people’s opinions make you self-conscious you give away your power. … The key to feeling [confident] is to always listen to your inner self—[the real you.]” 
-Susan W. Tanner
(I love when she quoted her mother, "“You must do everything you can to make your appearance pleasing, but the minute you walk out the door, forget yourself and start concentrating on others.” Mother's wisdom at it's best)

Now that we've established that our bodies are a sacred gift, how should we take care of them?

1. Eat Healthy
I think this is a great time to talk about eating disorders.

2. Avoid addictive substances

3.  Avoid dangerous behaviors
Since traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers, this is a great time to discuss the dangers involved w/ driving.(

4. Dress Modestly

5. Stay morally clean

6. Have healthy sleep habits

7. Exercise regularly

8. Stay mentally healthy and be aware of signs of depression
Here's a great article
9. Don't do anything to mutilate your body.
I think it's important to talk about cutting.

This is a lot of information for 30 minutes, so I'm just going to kind of treat is as a discussion and see where we go.

I wanted the handout to look like a present, and when you open it there's the outline of a body.  I used wrapping paper, because I thought it would be fun. PDF for handout (Scroll down the second page-for some reason the 1st page is blank)